Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 22:47 (GMT+7)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 06:58 (GMT+7)
Army Corps 2 actively prepares logistic support for combat manoeuvre

Fully aware of the importance of logistic support to the enhancement of combat readiness capability, combat strength, and thoroughly grasping the functions and missions of a strategic mobile main force, for the past years, together with political and ideological education, training and exercises, Corps 2 has made an all-round preparation in logistic field for its mission accomplishment in any situation so as to meet the requirements of Fatherland protection in the new situation.

As a strategic mobile unit under the Ministry of National Defense, in the event of a war, Corps 2 will be the key force conducting operations or operations of strategic importance. Hence, its logistic support task is challenging because the demand for logistics is huge and needed to be met in a quick manner, particularly when the manoeuvre of force, weaponry and technical equipment, materials, medical evacuation, etc are usually done under fierce combat, at a fast pace and with flexible transformations. To successfully accomplish its logistic tasks, the Corps has direct its logistical sector and affiliates to thoroughly fulfill regular logistical tasks for training, combat readiness missions, and unscheduled tasks, proactively and gradually prepare logistics for combat mission in the way that is relevant to the functions and missions of each level. Following the direction of the Corps High Command, and perceiving the viewpoint of “be active, foresee, and prepare beforehand”, the Corps’ Logistical Department has been proactive in studying and preparing the logistic support for combat mission. Advocating that logistical preparation be comprehensive, thorough, and that ensuring the victory of the Corps be the supreme goal, the logistical sector of the Corps has made all-round preparation, ranging from personnel, vehicles and materials to logistical plans, and begun to build logistical dispositions in the areas of operation of the Corps, basically meeting the stated requirements.

Fully aware of the requirements and the missions, the Corps’ Logistic Department has counselled and directly directed the establishment of logistical combat plans matching the mission, determination, combat plan of the Corps Commander and the Corps’ capability of logistics; while reviewing, supplementing, adjusting and perfecting the plans to fit the reality, particularly the requirements and missions of the Corps on a regular basis.

When in combat, the Corps is involved in combined arms battles which take place within the defensive zones of the provinces or military regions. For this reason, to ensure the best logistical support, it is necessary to have the close coordination between the Corps’ logistical sector with those of other services and corps as well as the on-the-spot logistics forces. Its Logistical Department has advised the Corps High Command to cooperate with other services, corps, military regions and local armed forces in building and perfecting the coordination plans for logistic support for each combat plan, enabling them to support each other, hence meeting logistical requirements in any situations. In addition, the Corps has also actively sourced, stored, and closely managed the combat logistical materials. The Logistical Department has stuck to the Order 82/CL-BQP of the Ministry of National Defense, counselled the Corps High Command and directed units of the Corps to balance and adjust their logistic reserves for combat mission in accordance with the requirements, missions and the managing and storing capability of each level and the conditions of the market economy.

Regarding the logistical force preparation, the Corps has consolidated its logistical organisations and staff, especially logistical organs of the Corps, the full-strength divisions and brigades; held combat-based logistic training and exercises; stepped up command and staff training on operation leveled logistics, and training on logistic support in the condition of hi-tech war for logistical cadres at levels. Attention has been paid to the training and exercising of plans for logistic support in combat; trained the actions of logistical commanders and staffs at all levels in combat readiness status transition, mobility, coordination and collaboration with logistical organs of other units and localities during the course of mission implementation.

In order to improve the mobility of the logistic force, the Corps focuses on training to enhance the capability of the operational and strategic transporting forces. Besides, the logistic forces have also been told to actively hold training in combat status transition and combat movements in accordance with the plans of the Corps; to deploy the forces, vehicles, and logistic materials in the unfavourable conditions of terrain and weather; night movements, etc. In addition, annually logistic exercises are integrated with live firing exercises of infantry units at all levels. The logistic force has fully followed the procedures, namely: building the support plan and coordination plans with logistical forces of services and corps, particularly those of the localities; designating cadres to be responsible for each specific task; and maintaining the mobility of the transporting force. The Corps has also cooperated with localities in building the logistical reserve forces with appropriate quantity and structure, focusing on the mobilisation of the transporting vehicles. With suitable measures, the standard and capability of combat logistic support of the Corps have been enhanced. Participating in the HC12 logistic exercise held in 2013, the Corps’ logistical force was praised by the Ministry of National Defense.

Moreover, the Corps has also grasped the capability of the on-the-spot logistics and the logistics of the defensive zones; while gradually building the logistic posture in response to mission requirements. Together with storing enough materials for combat missions and maintaining the regular replacements at all levels, the Corps has directed its affiliates to anticipate the amount of logistics needed for each combat plan of the Corps in each area of operation and actively work with localities to grasp the on-the-spot logistic potential, the ability to exploit, mobilise materials, forces and vehicles; the capability of medical clinics in the defensive zones as well as the capability in coordination and collaboration in logistic support among corps and services involved in the combat.

To prepare thoroughly logistic support in combat, the Corps has actively built logistic posture, with a focus on coordination with defensive zones of provinces, cities and military regions to position logistical bases, the system of warehouses, stations, and transportation networks to fit each combat plan. Basing on the anticipated disposition, the Corps conducts periodic inspections and reviews to make adjustments or supplements if necessary. Implementing the guideline of the Party on building the provincial defensive zones, the Corps has proactively advised the related localities to consolidate and build the military posture in defensive zones to make it easy for the Corps to conduct combat operations. In the short term, it has directed its junior logistical units to work with localities to actively prepare logistical spots in evacuation areas as well as the preventive measures so that they are always ready to response to the requirements and mission of combat manoeuvre in any situation, deserving to be the strategic mobile force, contributing to firmly protecting the Fatherland in the new situation.

Senior Colonel Bui Quang Khai, Chief of the Corps’ Logistical Department

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